
My paper presents the institutuional system of Jewish social care during the period between the two world wars, the measures of the orthodox and neologue community and also the civil institutional network related to this topic. I chose this period because I was curious how the charitable form of self-provision linked to the religious community was sustained and developped next to the growing political anti-semitism and also the syndical social care, which appeared next to the state social politics apparently. In the first chapter of my essay I am going to define the notion of social care and Jewish social care, I am going to analyze the social-political state measures between the two world wars and I am also going to introduce the social situation of the Jewish population of Budapest of that time. Following this I am going to draw up the six themas, which I am going to prove in my dissertation. Primarily the themas refer to the orthodox and neologue Jewish social care system, its aims and relations concerning the majority society and each other’s social measures. In the second chapter I am going to introduce the orthodox Jewish community and the organizations dealing with heath care, education, protection of children and social care. I am also concerned with the educational and medical institutions because they served essential social functions: they provided free treatment for poor people and supported the students in need. In the third chapter I am going to present the neologue Jewish community and its social measures. In addition I am going to introduce the extended network of its medical institutions. I am also going to demonstrate the institutional system of education (the boarding schools) dealing with handicapped people. I am going to show the wide institutional system of the organizations dealing with child and youth protection, social feeding and sudsidizing. Here as well I would like to touch the institutions – which were not directly formed with social aims – because of the social functions. As the closing of my essay I am going to prove my thesises and analyze or question the relevance of critical remarks of that era. I truly hope that with my paper I am going to contribute to the enlargement of the knowledge of social workers working presently in the Jewish community and at civil organizations. I believe that also non-professional readers will be able to get wide range of knowledge of the history of religious social care through the mosaics of an old world.

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