
In this study, phytosociological analysis of the beech woods (Doronico austriaci-Fagetum) in the Zákány Hills along the Drava River, southwest Hungary, is presented based on 50 relevés. The oak-hornbeam stands occur mainly in gullies formed by erosion on the northern side of the hills made up of loess, sandy loess or pebble. The vegetation of this area has the strongest submediterranean character in the country be-cause of the occurrence of a few plant species that are found nowhere else in Hungary (Anemone trifolia, Dentaria trifolia, Lamium orvala, Ostrya carpinifolia†). Due to the occurrence of these rarities, the oak-hornbeam woods of the Zákány Hills differ from the neighbouring oak-hornbeam woods of Zala (Hel-leboro dumetorum-Carpinetum).

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