
The paper proposes a wireless distributed wall climbing robotic system for reconnaissance purpose. Firstly, we introduce the mechanism of the distributed wall climbing robotic system. The mother wall-climbing robot of one single suction cup with two wheels locomotion system enables fast motion and can adapt nearly any kind of vertical wall surface in urban environment. The child wall climbing robot is an inchworm-like biped mechanical structure with the advantages of small size and minimal weight, which enables the robot translate from one surface to another and can avoid detection. Secondly, embedded controllers of wall climbing robotic system are designed. TMS320LF2000trade digital signal processor (DSP) from Texas Instrumentstrade was selected for multi-motor control and sensory confusion since it demonstrates high-speed performance. With the Li-battery energy supply and wireless communication system, robots have the ability to explore the world semi-autonomously. Lastly, experiments were taken to evaluate the efficiency of the distributed robotic system

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