
Abstract We report on the galaxy density environment around a high-z radio galaxy (HzRG) at z = 4.72, HSC J083913.17+011308.1 (HSC J0839+0113), probed using an r-dropout Lyman break galaxy (LBG) sample from the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program data. We find that HSC J0839+0113 resides in the outskirts of an overdense region identified by the r-dropout galaxies at a 4.7σ significance level. The projected distance between HSC J0839+0113 and the peak position of the overdense region is 0.4 physical Mpc, which is shorter than the typical protocluster radius in this epoch. According to the extended Press–Schechter and the light cone models, the HSC J0839+0113-hosted overdense region is expected to evolve into a halo >1014 ${M_{\odot}}$ at z = 0 with a high probability of $>\!\! 80\%$. These findings suggest that HSC J0839+0113 is associated with a protocluster. The HSC J0839+0113 rich-system is the most overdense region of LBGs among the known protoclusters with LBGs in the same cosmic epoch.

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