
Background: Processing whole-slide images (WSI) to train neural networks can be intricate and labor intensive. We developed an open-source library dealing with recurrent tasks in the processing of WSI and helping with the training and evaluation of neuronal networks for classification tasks. Methods: Two histopathology use-cases were selected and only hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stained slides were used. The first use case was a two-class classification problem. We trained a convolutional neuronal network (CNN) to distinguish between dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor (DNET) and ganglioglioma (GG), two neuropathological low-grade epilepsy-associated tumor entities. Within the second use case, we included four clinicopathological disease conditions in a multilabel approach. Here we trained a CNN to predict the hormone expression profile of pituitary adenomas. In the same approach, we also predicted clinically silent corticotroph adenoma. Results: Our DNET-GG classifier achieved an AUC of 1.00 for the ROC curve. For the second use case, the best performing CNN achieved an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.97 for the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) for corticotroph adenoma, 0.86 for silent corticotroph adenoma, and 0.98 for gonadotroph adenoma. All scores were calculated with the help of our library on predictions on a case basis. Conclusions: Our comprehensive and fastai-compatible library is helpful to standardize the workflow and minimize the burden of training a CNN. Indeed, our trained CNNs extracted neuropathologically relevant information from the WSI. This approach will supplement the clinicopathological diagnosis of brain tumors, which is currently based on cost-intensive microscopic examination and variable panels of immunohistochemical stainings.


  • With the increasing availability of digital microscopy scanners and whole slide imaging, digital pathology (DP) will continue to successfully grow into our daily routine diagnostic practice

  • We developed an open-source library dealing with recurrent tasks in the processing of whole-slide images (WSI) and helping with the training and evaluation of neuronal networks for classification tasks

  • It was pretrained on ImageNet [33,34], and the classification head was replaced to predict two (DNET or GG) instead of the 1000 classes included in the ImageNet dataset (Supplement S3)

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With the increasing availability of digital microscopy scanners and whole slide imaging, digital pathology (DP) will continue to successfully grow into our daily routine diagnostic practice. Medical (and nonmedical) image classification tasks have been remarkably successful utilizing DL. N that deep learning in the context of pathology is becomHionwgemveorr,e aanpdrmeroerqeucisoimtemtoon.successfully apply deep learning requires domainassocHiaotwedevkenr,oawpleredrgeequiinsittehetofsiuelcdceossffuDlLly aanpdplyDdPe.eWp lheearrenainsgmreaqnuyirpesatdhoomloaginis-tasssaorceiantoedt kfanmowililaerdwgeithinththeepfiroebldleomf-DspLecainfidc DtaPsk. W s ahnedreteacshmniacnayl ipssauthesolfoogriasptspalyreinngoDt fLamtecilhianriqwuietsh, tDhLe pdreovbelelomp-esrpsecmifiocsttasokftseanndhatvecehnliitctlael iesxsupeesrifeonrcaepwpliytihnghDistLoltoecghyniaqnudesh, DistLopdaevtheololopgeyrsmasosostcioaftteedn whaovrekflliottwlese.xIpneardiednictieown,itchurhriesntotlloygayvaanildabhleisotoppeant-hsooluorgcye-atososolsciaanteddtuwtoorrkiaflloswdos. UUssee CCaassee 11:: CCllaassssiiffyyiinngg LLooww--GGrraaddee EEppiilleeppssyy--AAssssoocciiaatteedd BBrraaiinn TTuummoorrss DDyysseemmbbrryyooppllaassttiicc nneeuurrooeeppiitthheelliiaallttuummoorr ((DDNNEETT)) aanndd ggaanngglliioogglliioommaa ((GGGG)) aarree sslloowwllyy ggrroowwiinnggtumtuomrsorcsomcpoomsepdoosfedbothofgliabloatnhd ngeluiarlonaalncdell enleemureonntaslandce,lhl isteolpemathenoltosgicaanlldy,, ahriestoofptaenthdoilfofigciucaltlltyo, calraessoifftyen[1d0i]f(fsiceuelFt itgoucrleas1s)i.fy [10] (see Figure 1). They account for 1–2% of all brain tumors and do not metastasize or spread beyond the primary site of origin. The DL task was to develop, a binary classifier distinguishing between the two entities

Use Case 2
Tile Calculation
Filters Applied on Complete WSI
Calculation of Tile Locations
Tile Filtering
Dataset Preparation for Both Use-Cases
Convolutional Neural Network Architecture
Training and Evaluation
2.11. Availability and Implementation
Use Case 1
Limitations and Potential
Full Text
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