
In this paper we develop a new semantics for disjunctive logic programs, called Well-Founded Semantics with Disjunction (WFSd), by resorting to a fixed point-based operator. Coinciding with the Well-Founded Semantics (WFS) for normal logic programs, our semantics is uniquely defined for every disjunctive logic program. By exploring examples, we show WFSd does not agree with any other semantics we have studied, such as Brass and Dix's D−WFS, Przymusinski's Static, Baral et al's GDWFS, Wang's WFDS, and van Gelder et al's SWFS. Despite that, we ensure WFSd is strictly stronger than D−WFS by guaranteing WFSd allows the five, desirable, program transformations proposed by Brass and Dix: unfolding, elimination of tautologies and non-minimal rules, and positive and negative reduction.

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