
A NEW photometer, shown in perspective in the figurer, has lately been constructed by Mr. Sabine. The stand supports a straight horizontal tube, at one end of which is a paraffin lamp, and at the other an eyepiece. The middle portion of the tube is cut away, and has, slipped over it, a collar to which a frame is attached, carrying a wedge of neutral-tinted glass, adjustable by means of a rack and pinion. Inside the collar is fixed a transverse disc of ground opal glass, which the paraffin lamp illuminates to a definite degree. This disc constitutes the field of comparison, the illumination of which is adjustable by means of a series of diaphragms of known aperture at the end near to the paraffin lamp. At the side, between the wedge and the collar which carries it, is a narrow pane of ground opal glass, just behind which a small mirror is fixed at an angle of 45° to the axis of the tube. This mirror is supported from the centre of the transverse opal disc in such a way, that the support is hidden from the observer by the mirror itself; an arrangement which insures the apparent juxtaposition of the illuminated surfaces which have to be compared. The light to be measured is placed on the right-hand side of the photometer; and the collar is turned so that the light falls normally upon the face of the wedge, passes through the wedge, through the pane of opal glass, and is incident upon the mirror, which reflects a portion of it to the eye of the observer. The wedge is then shifted, if necessary, to interpose a greater or less thickness of absorbing medium, until a balance is obtained, that is until the apparent illumination of the mirror is equal to that of the field of comparison, in the middle of which it is seen. If the range of the wedge is insufficient to admit of this, the degree of illumination of the field is altered, by means of the diaphragms, and the wedge is then adjusted.

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