
In scope of an IWRM concept for the Federal District, Western Central Brazil we developed a planning support tool, which enables non-experts to test the effects of land-use and land-cover change (LULCC) on landscape processes and landscape functions (LPF) related to sediment generation and retention. For this purpose we developed the web-based tool Letsmap do Brasil. The tool has two principal layers. The upper layer contains information on land use and its effect on LPF, i.e. sediment retention, runoff control, nitrogen loss control and agronomic value. The parameterized relation between land use and LPF is the core of the whole system. For each LPF a value specific to land use has been assigned. A second layer contains information on landscape properties and potentials (LPP), e.g. potential for sediment input in river networks and runoff potential. By linking land use and LPPs the system provides a spatially explicit assessment of effects of LULCC on landscape processes and functions (LPF).Letsmap do Brasil might have two major purposes. (1) It will support decision-making in river basin management and sediment management. By creating their own land-use/cover pattern non-expert users are enabled to test effects of LULCC on LPFs. (2) It will support and train non-experts to participate in decision processes in land-use planning. Because of its high adaptability, transparency, and simple handling Letsmap do Brasil might be used as tool in river basin management and land-use planning.

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