
Students' majors at High School (SMA) constitutes as an obligation to be carried out every year. The majors' determination at SMA, particularly at SMA in Banten, has already had its standardization. Schools that have had their standardization in majors' determination are mostly located in urban area. However, schools in such rural areas mostly have not yet conducted majors' determination for their students. It is so called as important that each school must conduct the majors for its curriculum. Commonly, the majors' determination of SMA in rural areas tends to be carried out only based on students' appetency, without considering the factors of their ability, interest, and aptitude. In our previous research, it had been conducted the comparison between Fuzzy Tsukamoto method and K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN) method. From the research result, in accordance to the comparison's result of Fuzzy Tsukamoto method, it shows that the method is a chosen method with 99.2% level of accuracy. Besides of its high level of accuracy, the choice of Fuzzy Tsukamoto method is also based on the condition in the field, where Fuzzy Tsukamoto method can be applied in schools that have good or minimal data. The researchers also design the website application to support those schools in carrying out the majors as the application can be accessed and applied everywhere. The criteria of school majors are students' skill, interest, and aptitude. This is in line with the existing criteria in DIKNAS (National Education), because the majors are not yet online facilitated by private schools in Banten. Hence, the researchers design that support system website application to assist the school in determining the appropriate majors which will be then selected by the students.

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