
Prime editing enables diverse genomic alterations to be written into target sites without requiring double-strand breaks or donor templates. The design of prime-editing guide RNAs (pegRNAs), which must be customized for each edit, can however be complex and time-consuming. Compared with single guide RNAs (sgRNAs), pegRNAs have an additional 3’ extension composed of a primer binding site and a reverse-transcription template. Here, we report a web tool, which we named pegFinder (http://pegfinder.sidichenlab.org), for the rapid design of pegRNAs from reference and edited DNA sequences. pegFinder can incorporate sgRNA on-target and off-target scoring predictions into its ranking system, and nominates secondary nicking sgRNAs for increasing editing efficiency. Cas9 variants with expanded targeting ranges are also supported. To facilitate downstream experimentation, pegFinder produces a comprehensive table of candidate pegRNAs, along with oligonucleotide sequences for cloning.

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