
We reanalyse the sphaleron bound of electroweak baryogenesis when allowing deviations to the Friedmann equation. These modifications are well motivated in the context of brane cosmology where they appear without being in conflict with major experimental constraints on four-dimensional gravity. While suppressed at the time of nucleosynthesis, these corrections can dominate at the time of the electroweak phase transition and in certain cases provide the amount of expansion needed to freeze out the baryon asymmetry without requiring a strongly first order phase transition. The sphaleron bound is substantially weakened and can even disappear so that the constraints on the higgs and stop masses do not apply anymore. Such modification of cosmology at early times therefore reopens the parameter space allowing electroweak baryogenesis which had been reduced substantially given the new bound on the higgs mass imposed by LEP. In contrast with previous attempts to turn around the sphaleron bound using alternative cosmologies, we are still considering that the electroweak phase transition takes place in a radiation dominated universe. The universe is expanding fast because of the modification of the Friedmann equation itself without the need for a scalar field and therefore evading the problem of the decay of this scalar field after the completion of the phase transition and the risk that its release of entropy dilutes the baryon asymmetry produced at the transition.

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