
L. M. A. Linant de Bellefonds briefly noted temple cut into mountainside that he saw in March 1832 in the southern part of Egypt's Eastern Desert (figs. 1-3). * On his map of the same region, he shows the temple (Eau et Temple) at the confluence of Wadis Na'am and Hodein, nearly 20 km east of its actual location at Bir Abu Safa.2 The temple is farther up Wadi Hodein, where Bellefonds' map marks only well or spring (Eau). When the authors saw no or even water source, where Bellefonds' map indicated these would be found, inquiries made of local Bisharii Bedouin led them to the correct site. When the authors compared the actual appearance of the temple with Bellefonds' drawing (fig. 3), it was clear that the two were one and the same monument. Other early desert travelers noted the temple, but had little to add to Bellefonds' description. These include Col. Purdy's observations based on late nineteenth century trip he made to the area.3 Later, G. Darresy cited Purdy and provided sketch map of the area.4 E. A. Floyer also noted the temple as a carved portal with an obliterated Greek inscription.5 Subsequently, W. F. Hume also described the temple.6 The temple is carved into the lower southern face of large sandstone mountain, which forms the northern side of narrow wadi that is branch of Wadi Hodein, and is located at 23? 18.08' N/34? 47.68' E. Bellefonds believed that the temple was stop for hunters in the region,7 but he does not elaborate. The Ptolemaic-early Roman fort at Abraq is about 13 km due north in straight line, and about 22 km via Wadis Hodein and Abraq. Along the route between Abraq and Bir Abu Safa are remains of graves, cairns, rock graffiti (including some in Arabic) and Roman-period pottery (espe cially at 23? 18.45' N/34? 48.94' E) that attest the presence of long-used track between Abraq and Bir Abu Safa.

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