
It wasn't until I finished writing this paper that I realized that what I most want from my labor as an artist is utterly conventional. It's the same thing most people want from work—security, both financial and psychological. That shouldn't have come as any surprise to me. Security would be on the minds of most mid-career workers. Of course security of all kinds is hard to come by these days.In their introduction to this forum, Jessica Stockholder and Joe Scanlan write that “the artist occupies a peculiar place in class structure. Working with our hands, we are laborers. And yet, by expending a great amount of time and materials creating ostensibly useless objects, we are wastrels, dilettantes, connoisseurs.” I agree. What kind of security can a wastrel expect? I love the fact that they used the word “wastrel.” Indulge me while I give a definition:

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