
Here we evaluate the phytosociological characteristics of the turkey oak forests on sand (Fraxino orno-Quercetum cerridis) found at the northern foothills of the Vértes Hills, Hungary. Using the traditional Braun-Blanquet method, 20 vegetation samples were collected and compared with turkey oak forests growing in similar ecological situations in other parts of the country. The traditional and multivariate analyses showed that our samples were quite different from the compared forests, and only the forests in the Bakonyalja and the Pilis Mts showed some similarity with the compared forests. Our samples had the lowest proportion of Quercetea pubescentis-petraeae species among the compared forests, and the highest proportion of specialists (Corydalis pumila, Daphne laureola, Doronicum hungaricum, Lychnis coronaria, Physocaulis nodosus, Primula veris, Scutellaria columnae, Sorbus domestica and Veratrum nigrum). The samples were well separated from the compared forests and formed a distinct group.

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