
A two-phase, low-Mach-number flow solver is created and verified for variable-density liquid and gas with phase change. The interface is sharply captured using a split volume-of-fluid method generalized for a non-divergence-free liquid velocity and with mass exchange across the interface. Mass conservation to machine-error precision is achieved in the limit of incompressible liquid. This model is implemented for two-phase mixtures at supercritical pressure but subcritical temperature conditions for the liquid, as it is common in the early times of liquid hydrocarbon injection under real-engine conditions. The dissolution of the gas species into the liquid phase is enhanced, and vaporization or condensation can occur simultaneously at different interface locations. Greater numerical challenges appear compared to incompressible two-phase solvers that are successfully addressed for the first time: (a) local thermodynamic phase equilibrium and jump conditions determine the interface solution (e.g., temperature, composition, surface-tension coefficient); (b) a real-fluid thermodynamic model is considered; and (c) phase-wise values for certain variables (e.g., velocity) are obtained via extrapolation techniques. The increased numerical cost is alleviated with a split pressure-gradient technique to solve the pressure Poisson equation for the low-Mach-number flow. Thus, a fast Fourier transform method is implemented, directly solving the continuity constraint without an iterative process. Various verification tests show the accuracy and viability of the current approach. Then, the growth of surface instabilities in a binary system composed of liquid n-decane and gaseous oxygen at supercritical pressures for n-decane is analyzed. Other features of supercritical liquid injection are also shown.

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