
A phenomenological void–crack nucleation model for ductile metals with secondphases is described which is motivated from fracture mechanics and microscale physicalobservations. The void–crack nucleation model is a function of the fracture toughness of theaggregate material, length scale parameter (taken to be the average size of the second phaseparticles in the examples shown in this writing) , the volume fraction of the second phase, strainlevel, and stress state. These parameters are varied to explore their effects upon the nucleationand damage rates. Examples of correlating the void–crack nucleation model to tension data in theliterature illustrate the utility of the model for several ductile metals. Furthermore, compression,tension, and torsion experiments on a cast Al–Si–Mg alloy were conducted to determinevoid–crack nucleation rates under different loading conditions. The nucleation model was thencorrelated to the cast Al–Si–Mg data as well.

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