
Good teachers are the cornerstone of quality education. Teachers: Creating hope for tomorrow. Each day, over 60 million teachers care for 1 billion children, cultivating their souls and minds. Any process that attempts to improve the quality of education promote peace and harmony and eliminate discrimination requires teachers. Teachers work with children who will be the leaders of tomorrow. But for teachers to be effective, they must be well-trained, motivated, have a decent work environment, good pay and an attractive career path, professional, social, ethical and material concerns. Teacher Educators often find themselves trying to capture high professional ethics in words. In-services teacher education programs and other training venues contain a lot of talk about ethical services; dedicated good occupational perception but often very few of examples. This article explains the professional ethics of a teacher required in the field of new pedagogy for the global world with the context sensitivity. Basically four paradigm are listed here to make a child learning in a democracy. I think so gradual release continuum approaches the early stages of learning with a vision building and have a teaching competency commitment provide a platform for an establishment of globalised teacher's council.

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