
Aims. We measure far-infrared (FIR) emission from tails of stripped dust following the ionised and atomic gas components in galaxies undergoing ram pressure stripping. We study the dust-to-gas relative distribution and mass ratio in the stripped interstellar medium and relate them to those of the intra-cluster medium (ICM), thus linking the cluster-ICM-galaxy evolution at small-scales. The galaxy sample consists of three Scd Virgo galaxies with stellar masses in the range of 109 ≲ M* ≲ 1010 M⊙ and within 1 Mpc from the cluster centre, namely NGC 4330, NGC 4522, and NGC 4654. Methods. Through the analysis of Virgo Environmental Survey Tracing Ionised Gas Emission (VESTIGE) Hα, Herschel SPIRE FIR, and VLA Imaging of Virgo in Atomic gas HI data, we trace the spatial distribution of the tails and infer the dust and gas masses from the measured FIR 250 μm and HI flux densities. Dust-to-gas mass ratios in the tails are analysed as a function of the galaxy mass, metallicity, and dust temperature. Results. Along the stripped component, the dust distribution closely follows the HI and Hα emitting gas, which extend beyond the optical disc (defined by the B-band 25th magnitude isophote). In these regions, the dust-to-gas mass ratios are 2.0 ± 0.6 × 10−3, 0.7 ± 0.1 × 10−3, and 0.4 ± 0.03 × 10−3 for NGC 4330, NGC 4522, and NGC 4654, respectively. Thus, dust is widespread in the stripped material with a lower dust-to-gas mass ratio (up to a factor of 15) than the one measured in the main body of nearby galaxies. We also find a negative trend in the dust-to-gas mass ratio as a function of the metallicity that can be explained in terms of a dust component more centrally concentrated in more metal-rich systems. Together with the finding that the stripped dust is cold, Td ≲ 25 K, our results can be interpreted as a consequence of an outside-in stripping of the galaxy interstellar medium. Conclusions. Gas and dust in galaxies are perturbed in a similar fashion by the cluster environment, although their relative contribution differs from the one measured in the main body of the galaxies. When this value is considered, ram pressure stripping is consistent with being one of the key mechanisms in building up the Virgo intra-cluster component, injecting dust grains into the ICM, thus contributing to its metal enrichment.


  • Through the analysis of Virgo Environmental Survey Tracing Ionised Gas Emission (VESTIGE) Hα, Herschel SPIRE FIR, and VLA Imaging of Virgo in Atomic gas HI data, we trace the spatial distribution of the tails and infer the dust and gas masses from the measured FIR 250 μm and HI flux densities

  • Previous works that studied the enrichment of the intra-cluster medium (ICM) have mainly focused on the following three mechanisms whereby metals could be removed from a galaxy: (1) metal-enriched gas can be removed as a consequence of a gravitational interaction and/or ram pressure stripping; (2) gas can escape the galaxy potential well as a result of the energy input from SN explosions; and (3) dust can be ejected in the ICM if the radiation pressure on dust grains due to stellar light may exceed the gravitational force of the matter (e.g. Aguirre et al 2004)

  • Once the evidence we present in this study of dust that is stripped due to ram pressure is combined with previous results, supporting dust stripping by the tidal interactions (e.g. Cortese et al 2010b; Gomez et al 2010), little doubt is left that dust stripping is an additional mechanism for injecting dust grains into the ICM, contributing to its metal enrichment

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Bridging the cluster-ICM-galaxy evolution at small scales

A. Longobardi1, , A. Boselli1, M. Fossati2, J. A. Villa-Vélez1, S. Bianchi3, V. Casasola4, E. Sarpa5,6, F. Combes7, G. Hensler8, D. Burgarella1, C. Schimd1, A. Nanni1, P. Côté9, V. Buat1, P. Amram1, L. Ferrarese9, J. Braine10, G. Trinchieri11, S. Boissier1, M. Boquien12, P. Andreani13, S. Gwyn8,9, and J. C. Cuillandre14 V9E 2E7, Canada Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Bordeaux, Univ. Bordeaux, CNRS, B18N, Allée Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 33615 Pessac, France INAF – Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, Via Brera 28, 20159 Milano, Italy Centro de Astronomía (CITEVA), Universidad de Antofagasta, Avenida Angamos 601, Antofagasta 1270300, Chile European Southern Observatory, Karl-Schwarzschild-Strasse 2, 85748 Garching, Germany 7 AIM, CEA, CNRS, Université Paris-Saclay, Université Paris Diderot, Sorbonne Paris Cité, Observatoire de Paris, PSL

Photometric data
The VESTIGE survey
The NGVS survey
The HeViCS survey
The VIVA survey
The galaxy sample
Stripped tails
FIR Background contamination
Dust-to-gas ratios versus metallicity relation
Multi-phase gas coexistence in stripped tails
Stripped dust detected in emission
ICM metal enrichment by dust stripping
The building up of the Virgo intra-cluster component
Summary and conclusions
Full Text
Paper version not known

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