
Postmodernism has been the subject of widespread debate and postmodernist production has filled every aspect of our lives. The works of European philosophicals such as François Lyotard, Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze, Pierre-Félix Guattari and Jean Baudrillard are connected to the subject within the framework of the development of tradition. Postmodernism was interpreted by these philosophicals as the losing its legitimacy of great meta-stories with the phenomenon of enlightenment. In the section called “Evolution of Postmodernism”, the views of European thinkers such as Lyotard, Foucault, Deleuze, Guattari and Baudrillard and some North American thinkers such as Jameson and Foster were discussed. In the section “Postmodern Situation and Examples in Plastic Arts”, postmodern art productions were examined in comparison with the movements that have predecessors such as minimalism and conceptual art. Finally, an evaluation has been made on what kind of structure can be mentioned in terms of these theoretical studies and artistic productions. Key words: Postmodernism, modernism, art

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