
Food waste is a problem that affects everyone. People are impacted anywhere it is present, including in our homes, schools, restaurants, grocery stores, places of business, and even in transportation. With the help of this software, hotels can give leftover food to those in need while reducing food waste. With the help of this software, users may sign up, log in, see, add, and remove products from their carts, and then log out of the system. Additionally, this software contained a real-time database. Through this app, food donors may enter information about their donations, and NGO volunteers can see the photographs of the food that each donor has contributed. Food waste is a widespread issue in our culture. Management of food waste is essential since it may increase our sustainability both economically and environmentally. We have determined how mobile technology may be used to minimize food waste management, and we have developed an android mobile application that enables restaurants or individual users to share and donate their leftover food with those in need. We intended to complete this project in order to use an Android application to lessen food waste. The visitor may log in and input the kind, quantity, and location of food that is offered in this project. The agent is then sent a brief notice. The agent at that location may log in and get the donor's data after receiving the notice. The software allows the donor to create an account, and he may log in to add the location and food data anytime there is food waste. The agent is also capable of retrieving the data and holding an account. Once the information has been retrieved, the agent may go get food from the donor and provide it to the orphans or other needy people. Food redistribution is an incredibly effective social innovation initiative that addresses food poverty and waste. Because it has a distinct account for every user, the user's information is kept private

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