
This article deals with the opportunities and limitations of photography as a tool in participatory development research and cooperation. After the definitions and reflections on the basic terms and the introduction of the “participatory toolbox,” different possible uses of photography are discussed: photography grants access, as it endows the photographer with a specific role. The photographer gives meaning to what he or she captures, facilitating an emic perspective for the recipient. Photo documentation provides a basis for discussion and comparison and promotes the feeling of “ownership.” But also staged photography can be significant because of the creative and at the same time world-related and thus solution-oriented approach. Furthermore, photography has therapeutic potential, e.g. when it comes to identity work or mediating between different positions. However, it should be mentioned that photography has different meanings depending on the cultural context and should always be used against this background.
 Received: 6 July 2022 / Accepted: 16 October 2022 / Published: 5 November 2022

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