
We specify and verify a connection management protocol for use between entities connected by channels that can lose, reorder, and duplicate messages. The protocol is symmetric. Each entity is in one of the following states: closed, listen, open, active opening, passive opening, or closing. The first three are stable states to be exited only by user request, while the last three are transient states. Each entity maintains a local incarnation number at all times, and a remote incarnation number only when opening, open, and closing. Our protocol employs the 3-way handshake used in TCP and ISO Transport Protocol (Class 4).We verify the safety property that when an entity is open, its remote incarnation number matches the remote entity's local incarnation number. This ensures that data messages from past connection instances are not delivered to the user. We verify the following progress properties: an actively opening entity will eventually establish a connection, provided that the remote entity is willing to communicate or is itself actively opening; the states of active opening, passive opening, and closing are transient; if the entities remain closed, the channels will eventually become empty, assuming messages have a maximum lifetime.This protocol specification can be immediately combined with the data transfer protocol specifications presented in [SHAN1, SHAN2, SHAN3] to provide a transport layer protocol with the functions of connection management and two-way data transfer. The verifications too can be immediately combined to provide a hierarchical verification of the multi-function protocol. The specifications and verifications can be combined because the connection management and data transfer protocols are images of the multi-function protocol. This illustrates the power of protocol projections in constructing multi-function protocols.

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