
This study investigated the feasibility of obtaining ultrasound-guided intramuscular fine-wire electromyographic (fEMG) recordings from four canine shoulder muscles during highly dynamic activities. Four cadaveric canines were utilised to confirm the appropriate anatomical landmarks and the use of real time ultrasound guidance for electrode placement for four shoulder muscles: Biceps Brachii (BB), Supraspinatus (SP), Infraspinatus (IF), and Triceps Brachii – Long Head (TBLH). Electromyographic activity of the left BB, S P, IF, and TBLH was then recorded in two research dogs while walking and trotting to refine the data collection procedures. Finally, the full experimental protocol was piloted with two client-owned, specially-trained agility dogs, confirming the feasibility of collecting fEMG recordings while performing dynamic, highly-specific agility-related tasks and verifying our EMG amplitude normalisation protocol to enable comparisons across muscles and performance tasks. We present specific guidelines regarding the placement of fEMG electrodes and data collection/normalisation procedures to enable investigations of muscle activation during dynamic activities.

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