
REPORT OF A CASE A 36-year-old woman presented with an 11-year history of chronic, painful biopsy-proven oral, vaginal, and vulvar erosive lichen planus (LP) complicated by vaginal stenosis and labial adhesions. She reported no remissions despite therapeutic trials of high-potency topical, oral, and intralesional steroids, isotretinoin, etretinate, and griseofulvin. Surgical procedures to release the labia and repeated vaginal dilatations were only temporarily successful. Pain, bleeding, and decreased vaginal orifice size prohibited sexual intercourse for 1 year. Her mother has suffered from biopsy-proven oral, vaginal, and vulvar erosive LP for 20 years. The patient's sister, brother, and grandmother also suffer from persistent oral ulcerative disease. Intense erythema of the attached upper and lower facial and lingual gingiva was present. Irregular 2- to 3-cm erosions on the buccal mucosa were present with white reticulated plaques noted on the left lower side. Pelvic examination revealed a narrow vaginal orifice. The mucosal lining of

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