
[abridged] While observations of Local Group galaxies show a very simple, local star formation law in which the star formation rate per unit area in each patch of a galaxy scales linearly with the molecular gas surface density, recent observations of both Milky Way molecular clouds and high redshift galaxies apparently show a more complicated relationship, in which regions of equal surface density can form stars at quite different rates. These data have been interpreted as implying either that different star formation laws apply in different circumstances, that the star formation law is sensitive to large-scale galaxy properties rather than local properties, or that there are high density thresholds for star formation. Here we collate resolved observations of Milky Way molecular clouds, kpc-scale observations of Local Group galaxies, and unresolved observations of both disk and starburst galaxies in the local universe and at high redshift. We show that all of these data are in fact consistent with a simple, local, volumetric star formation law. The apparent variations stem from the fact that the observed objects have a wide variety of 3D size scales and degrees of internal clumping, so even at fixed gas column density the regions being observed can have wildly varying volume densities. We provide a simple theoretical framework to remove this projection effect, and we show that all the data, from small Solar neighborhood clouds with masses ~10^3 Msun to sub-mm galaxies with masses ~10^11 Msun, fall on a single star formation law in which the SFR is simply ~1% of the molecular gas mass per local free-fall time. In contrast, proposed star formation laws in which the star formation timescale is set by the galactic rotation period or the SFR is linearly proportional to the gas mass above some density threshold fail to match at least some of the data.

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