
The homogenous relaxation model (HRM) is one of the most widely used models to describe the liquid‑gas phase transition. However, in its original formulation, it is unable to handle multispecies vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE), which limits its applicability to single-component fluids. In this work, a unified non-equilibrium phase change model that considers the VLE of multicomponent mixtures is proposed building upon the HRM's structure. A time factor is introduced to mimic the effect of different phase change timescales due to different mechanisms, e.g., cavitation, flash-boiling, and evaporation. To assess the model's performance, computational fluid dynamics simulations of the internal and near-nozzle injection flow of the Engine Combustion Network's Spray G injector were performed using the nine-component PACE-20 fuel with both the unified model and the original HRM. The predicted fuel density in the near-nozzle region matched well with X-ray tomography measurements. The simulation results indicated that, whereas the HRM failed to capture the vaporization due to convective mixing between the fuel and ambient gas, the unified model performed well in predicting the mixing-driven vaporization and the corresponding evaporative cooling. Further comparisons using the nine-component fuel formula and a single-component fuel surrogate demonstrated the unified model's ability to predict preferential vaporization, which affects the predictions of local mixture composition and rate of vaporization. Finally, it is shown that the unified model is capable of representing multiple phase change mechanisms, and the relaxation time factor plays an important role in determining the degree of phase change due to the different mechanisms.

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