
Abstract The adjoint method is a useful tool for finding gradients of design objectives with respect to system parameters for fluid dynamics simulations. But the utility of this method is hampered by the difficulty in writing an efficient implementation for the adjoint flow solver, especially one that scales to thousands of cores. This paper demonstrates a Python library, called adFVM, that can be used to construct an explicit unsteady flow solver and derive the corresponding discrete adjoint flow solver using automatic differentiation (AD). The library uses a two-level computational graph method for representing the structure of both solvers. The library translates this structure into a sequence of optimized kernels, significantly reducing its execution time and memory footprint. Kernels can be generated for heterogeneous architectures including distributed memory, shared memory and accelerator based systems. The library is used to write a finite volume based compressible flow solver. A wall clock time comparison between different flow solvers and adjoint flow solvers built using this library and state of the art graph based AD libraries is presented on a turbomachinery flow problem. Performance analysis of the flow solvers is carried out for CPUs and GPUs. Results of strong and weak scaling of the flow solver and its adjoint are demonstrated on subsonic flow in a periodic box.

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