
The absolute hearing threshold and masking are two fundamental phenomena in psychoacoustics. The former is the minimum intensity for the ear to detect sound at a given frequency in quiet. The latter is described by the nonlinearly raised threshold for the ear to detect sound in the vicinity of an existing signal or the masker. A two level model is developed to compute the latter given the former and the masker. The first level is a partial differential equation (PDE) model of the inner ear (cochlea), and the second level is a similarity transform, accounting for the functions of the remaining high level processes of audition. The model has a solid ground on first principles and is adaptive to nonlinearities when compared with existing data-driven empirical models. Modeled masking thresholds of banded noise by tonal signals agree well with existing hearing data. [Work partially supported by ARO Grant No. DAAD 19-00-1-0524 and NSF No. ITR-0219004.]

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