
Many elementary school teachers face severe time constraints working individually with students who need extra help or attention in mathematics. Sometimes, children who need this attention do not receive it. At the same time, critics of teacher education programs contend that preservice teachers do not receive enough hands‐on experience teaching children. The Mathematics Tutorial Program is one attempt to address both of these issues. In this program, elementary grade children are identified by their classroom teachers as needing extra help in mathematics. They are paired with preservice elementary school teachers. Each preservice teacher tutors one or more elementary children for two 30‐minute sessions each week for 6 to 24 weeks. They use manipulatives and a hands‐on approach. The tutors reported professional gains from their contacts with classroom teachers, mathematics educators, and elementary children. Classroom teachers involved with the program commented on the children's improved selfesteem and confidence in mathematics. The children eagerly looked forward to the time with their tutors.

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