
ness it subsumes and thereby relates all computational primitives; in principle therefore it renders commensurable the computational ontologies of linguistics and neuroscience — or so I would endeavor to prove in the TPLT. A Turing machine is a mathematical abstraction, not a physical device, but my theory is that the information it specifies in the form of I-language must be encoded in the human genetic program — and/or derived from the mathematical laws of nature (‘third factors’ in the sense of Chomsky 2005) — and expressed in the brain. Central to the machine is a generative procedure for dinfinity; however, “[a]lthough the characterizations of what might be the most basic linguistic operations must be considered one of the deepest and most pressing in experimental language research, we know virtually nothing about the neuronal implementation of the putative primitives of linguistic computation” (Poeppel & Omaki 2008: 246). So is presented the great challenge for the TPLT: To precisify (formalize) the definitions of linguistic primitives in order that ‘linking hypotheses’ (not mere correlations) to as yet undiscovered neurobiological primitives can be formed. 4. Generative Systems It was in the theory of computability and its equivalent formalisms that the infinite generative capacity of a finite system was formalized and abstracted and thereby made available to theories of natural language (see Chomsky 1955 for a discussion of the intellectual zeitgeist and the influence of mathematical logic, computability theory, etc. at the time generative linguistics emerged in the 1950s). In particular, a generative grammar15 was defined as a set of rules that recursively generate (enumerate/specify) the sentences of a language in the form of a production system as defined by Post (1944) and exapted by Chomsky (1951): (1) φ1, ..., φn → φn+1 15 Linguists use the term with systematic ambiguity to refer to the explananda of linguistic theory (i.e. I-languages) and to the explanantia (i.e. theories of I-languages). Biolinguistics  Forum  228 “[E]ach of the φi is a structure of some sort and [...] the relation → is to be interpreted as expressing the fact that if our process of recursive specification generates the structures φ1, ..., φn then it also generates the structure φn+1” (Chomsky & Miller 1963: 284); the inductive (recursive) definition derives infinite sets of structures. The objective of this formalization was analogous to “[t]he objective of formalizing a mathematical theory a la Hilbert, [i.e.] to remove all uncertainty about what constitutes a proof in the theory, [...] to establish an algorithm for the notion of proof” (Kleene 1981: 47) (see Davis 2012 on Hilbert’s program). Chomsky (1956: 117) observed that a derivation as in (1) is analogous to a proof with φ1, ..., φn as the set of axioms, the rewrite rule (production) → as the rule of inference, and the derived structure φn+1 as the lemma/theorem. For a toy model, let (2) be a simplified phrase structure grammar with S = Start symbol Sentence, ⌒ = concatenation, # = boundary symbol, N[P] = Noun [Phrase], V[P] =


  • Universal to systems so various and complex as the foundations of mathematics, cryptography, computer science, artificial intelligence, and morphogenesis is the “the concept of ‘mechanical procedure’

  • I submit that the object of linguistic inquiry is, or can be regarded as, “the thing in itself”, a computational — ergo mathematical — system abstracted away from spatiotemporal contingencies, as a Turing machine is with its memory space and operating time unlimited: “With this will come a mathematical characterization of a class of [...] functions, the functions ‘computed’ by these Turing machines

  • This logic applies to the brain generally (Gallistel & King 2009: 125, 105, i): If “the brain is an organ of computation[,] to understand the brain one must understand computation”, which necessitates formalization; “[Turing] created a formalization that defined a class of machines”, with mathematical-functional components and procedures so elementary as to be multiply physically realizable

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The Big Question

Universal to systems so various and complex as the foundations of mathematics, cryptography, computer science, artificial intelligence, and morphogenesis is the “the concept of ‘mechanical procedure’ (alias ‘algorithm’ or ‘computation procedure’ or ‘finite combinatorial procedure’) This concept is shown to be equivalent to that of a ‘Turing machine.’ [,] due to A.M. Turing’s work, a precise and unquestionably adequate definition of the general concept of formal system can be given” (Gödel in Davis 1965: 71–72,). The answer might derive from computational constraints reducible to mathematical laws This model would succeed in explaining something of the specific nature of intelligence, but something of the general nature of reality.. I propose the TPLT, a research program based on Turing’s mathematics, to discover and model mathematically important aspects of intelligent thought in the domain of language

Language and the Brain
Generative Systems
The Linguistic Turing Machine
31 Merge entails ‘external’ and ‘internal’ forms
The Big Answers
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