
Electron interferometry with quantum Hall edge channels in semiconductor heterostructures can probe and harness the exchange statistics of anyonic excitations. However, charging effects present in semiconductors often obscured the Aharonov-Bohm interference in quantum Hall interferometers and make advanced charge screening strategies necessary. Here, we show that high-mobility monolayer graphene constitutes an alternative material system, not affected by charging effects, to perform Fabry-Pérot quantum Hall interferometry in the integer quantum Hall regime. In devices equipped with gate-tunable quantum point contacts acting on the edge channels of the zeroth Landau level, we observe high-visibility Aharonov-Bohm interference widely tunable through electrostatic gating or magnetic field, in agreement with theory. A coherence length of 10 μm at a temperature of 0.02 K allows us to further achieve coherently-coupled double Fabry-Pérot interferometry. In future, quantum Hall interferometry with graphene devices may enable investigations of anyonic excitations in fractional quantum Hall states.

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