
This paper provides an overview of the results of psycho- and neurolinguistic examinations into the mental processes involving proper names (i.e. storing, processing, retrieving proper names). We can denote entities of various types with the help of proper names, and although most of these types are universal, there are in fact some cultural differences. In the fields of science concerned, that is, in psycho- and neurolinguistics and in neuropsychology, attention is given almost exclusively to anthroponyms; mental and neurological features of toponyms and other name types are much less examined. Processing names is generally believed to display more difficulties than processing common nouns, and these difficulties present themselves more and more strongly with age. In connection with the special identifying function and semantic features of proper names, many researchers assume that we process the two groups of words in different ways. This paper, reflecting also on these assumptions, summarizes and explains the results of research into a) selective anomia affecting monolingual speakers (word-finding disturbances); b) localization; c) reaction time measurement; and d) speech disfluency concerning proper names (especially the “tip of the tongue phenomenon”). The author also presents the models of processing proper names, examining to what degree these models can be reconciled with our knowledge of the acquisition of proper names. Finally, the results and possible explanations of the small amount of research into the representation and processing of proper names by bilingual speakers are discussed.

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