
AbstractThe present paper reports a study on bounce realization with a truncated scale factor and the holographic fluid taken in the form of holographic Ricci Dark Energy, which is a particular case of holographic Nojiri–Odintsov model (Nojiri & Odintsov, 2006, Gen. Relativ. Gravit., 38(8), 1285). We have investigated the realization of bounce due to the application of a holographic fluid in the early scenario of the universe. We started with a de‐Sitter scale factor in our study and derived two modified forms using Taylor's series expansion. After studying the behavior of the resulting Hubble parameter, we identified as the suitable form of the scale factor to realize the bounce. It satisfied the conditions , , and before, at, and after the turn‐around point. We have also observed that the resulting equation of state (EoS) parameter violates the null energy condition required by the bounce realization. We have studied the bounce scenario in a modified gravity framework and derived the slow roll parameters. We have studied the behavior of the potential along with the slow‐roll parameters in this bouncing scenario.

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