
Aim: This paper investigates the International summer School model in China with two objectives: evaluating the curriculum and its features and analyzing the application of the Triple Helix Theory of Innovation. A survey of students in the UnivPlus-BSU Shanghai Program and UnivPlus-FSU Beijing Program was conducted in the summer of 2019.Methodology: A survey of 13 questions was disseminated to 115 students from BSU (Shanghai) and FSU (Beijing). The authors collected instructional data from students and faculty involved in the summer programs. The survey was answered on a volunteer basis and was uneven in number on each campus.Findings: UnivPlus is one of the successful organizations that operate international summer schools in China for Chinese overseas students who are enrolled at U.S. and Canadian universities and take advantage of their home vacations in China to study and earn transfer credits. The Triple Helix Model of innovation refers to interactions between university, industry/business, and government fostering economic and social development. International summer schools in China are a new phenomenon and a good example of the Triple Helix innovation Model. The paper’s findings indicate a positive relationship between the collaboration of institutions in the U.S., China, and Canada, effective time management, motivations, and qualitative faculty support for students. Our findings reflect the inspiration of all parties to increase innovation and competitiveness in academia to benefit student learning and enhance their knowledge and intercultural competencies.Implications/Novel Contribution: The success of this program encourages academic leaders at BSU to the potential implementation of summer programs in Japan and Jordan. The international summer program offers Chinese students opportunities to complete some of their courses while visiting their families in the summer with the assurance to transfer credits for equivalent courses at their home universities. This approval process is comparatively easy and unquestionable.

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