
Keloid treatment is challenging. The surgical approach can be divided into complete excision versus partial excision. The current study aims to introduce our novel surgical approach of partial excision using a 2-mm punch biopsy device to treat refractory multifocal keloids in the trunk. This is a case series of 30 patients with refractory multifocal keloids treated with a triple combination therapy consisting of a punch-assisted partial excision and intralesional triamcinolone injections followed by immediate single fractional electron beam radiotherapy within 8 hours, postoperatively. The follow-up period was 12 months. The primary outcome was recorded as recurrence versus nonrecurrence or aggravation versus remission . The secondary outcome was patient satisfaction as assessed by the POSAS. The recurrence or aggravation of keloid was not found without complications. Scores obtained from the POSAS patient scale showed that pain, itchiness, color, stiffness, thickness, and irregularity significantly improved. Our novel surgical approach using a 2-mm punch biopsy device effectively treats refractory multifocal keloids once considered intractable. Triple combination therapy of partial excision using a 2-mm punch biopsy device, intralesional triamcinolone injections, followed by immediate single fractional electron beam radiotherapy, is a safe, efficacious, and more convenient protocol to treat this condition.

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