
Objectives: To introduce a new four-parameter lifetime distribution that will be more flexible in modelling real lifetime data over the existing common lifetime distributions. Methods: The new Three-parameter lifetime distribution is generated by using the A Transmuted Survival. In this method, the probability density function and cumulative distribution function of ExponentialRayleigh distribution are used as a base distribution for Transmuted Survival ExponentialRayleigh "Distribution. The probability density function and cumulative distribution function of the Exponential-Rayleigh distribution are substituted in the Transmuted Survival model to get the new and more flexible lifetime distribution for modelling real-life data. Findings: The authors reveal that the hazard rate of the A Transmuted Survival Exponential-Rayleigh Distribution is increasing. They also found that the Transmuted Survival Exponential-Rayleigh Distribution (TSER) gives a much close fit than the Two-parameter Exponential-Rayleigh "distribution (ERD), three-parameter Lindely distribution(LTD), Exponential distribution(EXP) and Weibull distribution (WD). Novelty : In this study, a novel probability distribution is introduced. Transmuted Survival Exponential-Rayleigh Distribution is capable of modelling upside-down bathtub shaped hazard rates. The model is appropriate to fit the asymmetrical data that are not correctly fitted by other distributions. The said distribution can be applied to different fields like insurance, earthquake data for analysis, reliability etc".

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