
In order to find a transition path from the zinc-blende to the NaCl type both structures are described with the aid of heterogeneous sphere packings. If all atoms in such crystal structures are replaced by like ones, atomic arrangements result that correspond to homogeneous sphere packings belonging to the diamond type or forming a cubic primitive lattice, respectively. It is shown, that a diamond configuration may be deformed into a cubic primitive lattice within the Wyckoff position Imma 4(e) mm2 0,¼,z. The corresponding phase transition in binary compounds from the zinc-blende to the NaCl type can be described as a deformation of a heterogeneous sphere packing in the subgroup Imm2 of Imma. Since no bonds have to be broken this type of transition is displacive. In addition, structural relations between high-pressure phases of semiconductors like silicon and germanium and related AB compounds are shown.

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