
The latest advances in science and technology demonstrate the need for transformation in social life, particularly in jurisprudence. Given this, the study of the impact of the transhumanist concept on modern law is an important topic for analysis. The aim of the article is to analyze the transhumanistic legal worldview through the prism of modern challenges, a worldview that most fully reflects the problems of the modern integration of technological solutions in social life. Among the methods used is comparative analysis, which traces the challenges and prospects of implementing a transhumanist understanding of the law. The dogmatic principle of treating the transformation of the new law was also applied. Of great importance was the use of content analysis of the literature. Search engines found more than 50 articles from 2013 to 2021. The screening process resulted in the selection of 20 related to transhumanist legal regulation. The results of the study examined the formation of philosophy and the main provisions of transhumanism as a scientific movement. It is established that the adherents of this doctrine consider the adoption of new laws as inevitable against the background of the improvement of mankind as a biological species (including the use of modern technologies). The manifestations of the modern vision of transhumanist society in the elements of the current legislation are also demonstrated. In conclusion, it is fixed that such new elements will need a certain legal regulation, which will be carried out within the framework of renewed systems of legal relations, where artificial intellect, cyborgs, etc. will become equal participants in social life. At the same time, through the prism of the transformation of modern technologies, the main prospects of legal regulation based on the transhumanistic concept are highlighted.

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