
This study, developed from research carried out during a master’s program, focuses on the historical, normative and political trajectory of agricultural education (at high school level), now in the context of federal legislation reforms. This segment of vocational education developed in the light of stereotypes and isolation, with scarce scientific analysis as rare object of research. This paper aims to present a descriptive and analytical approach to the main normative acts that guided the historical and curricular trajectory of Agricultural Education at high school level. Highlighting the educational policies embodied in the federal educational legislation, within these major historical milestones: from Imperial Brazil to the Republican period (1960). Based on qualitative research on education, with emphasis on documentary / normative and institutional research, it is necessary to identify the multiple historical determinations that outlined and preceded current secondary vocational education policies (agricultural area) aiming to offer contributions for the analysis of contemporary policies.


  • This study, developed from research carried out during a master’s program, focuses on the historical, normative and political trajectory of agricultural education, in the context of federal legislation reforms. This segment of vocational education developed in the light of stereotypes and isolation, with scarce scientific analysis as rare object of research

  • This paper aims to present a descriptive and analytical approach to the main normative acts that guided the historical and curricular trajectory of Agricultural Education at high school level

  • Highlighting the educational policies embodied in the federal educational legislation, within these major historical milestones: from Imperial Brazil to the Republican period (1960)

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A análise de políticas públicas, entre elas a da educação, requer os contributos da história, especialmente, para a identificação de suas origens. Destaca-se sob a égide da atual Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional (LDB ou LDBEN) no 9394/96, que a educação profissional, conforme Artigo 39, desenvolver-se-á por meio de cursos e programas de: I - qualificação profissional, inclusive formação inicial e continuada de trabalhadores; II - educação profissional técnica de nível médio; e III - educação profissional tecnológica de graduação e de pós-graduação. Ressalva-se que nos períodos históricos aqui mencionados (Brasil-Império ao BrasilRepública – década de 60) era inexistente a estruturação dos cursos superiores de tecnologia (hoje denominados de cursos de graduação tecnológica - correspondentes ao último nível da educação profissional tal como estabelece o atual Decreto Federal 5.154/2004). Ao reconhecer a escassez de pesquisas da educação profissional na área de agropecuária (ensino agrícola) visamos abordar, ainda que de forma breve, essa trajetória históriconormativa tal como referenciada nas fontes pesquisadas. Reitera-se, contudo, o foco no estudo do Ensino Técnico Agrícola[3] a partir do período republicano

O Ensino Agrícola no contexto do Brasil-Império: de 1822 a 1889
O Ensino Agrícola no Nacional-Populismo: de 1946 a 1964
Considerações finais
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