
It is known that preferred tone reproduction is affected by color appearance phenomena. Therefore a preferred tone reproduction curve can be obtained if using a color appearance model that can predict color appearance phenomena accurately. Many color appearance models have been proposed, and the latest color appearance model is CIECAM02 that CIE published in 2004. The CIECAM02 model takes into account Stevens effect, but CIECAM97s, the base model of CIECAM02, does not deal with high levels of illumination such as sunlit conditions. Then, we examined whether the CIECAM02 model could give a tone reproduction curve similar to the preferred tone reproduction curve of conventional photography or not. As a result, it was found that the CIECAM02 model could not be used to predict preferred tone reproduction curves. In addition, we measured tone reproduction curves of two typical imaging systems, DSCs (Digital Still Cameras) and displays, and DSCs and printers. Comparison of the obtained curves with those from the CIECAM02 model showed that they considerably differed in shape.

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