
PediPlace, a busy pediatric not-for-profit clinic in Lewisville, Tex., struggles with prolonged patient wait times. This quality improvement (QI) project aimed to reduce appointment lengths and improve the patient experience. PediPlace introduced 3 interventions: improved patient tracking to measure timing on the electronic health record interface, elimination of script repetition between medical assistants and providers, and patient art kits. From over 2,000 surveys indicated that patients were more satisfied; the percentage of negative survey comments decreased from 20% in 2017 and 2018 to under 10% in 2019. The overall rating of the clinic rose from 3.8 to 4.75 (on a scale of 1-5) after QI interventions as well. The number of patients not checked out declined from 49 errors in October-December 2018 to 25 errors in January-March 2019, indicating that this part of the initiative was initially successful. However, subsequent months experienced higher error rates. Analysis of over 20,000 appointments from June 2018 to July 2019 showed that appointment length did not change after interventions. There was no difference in appointment lengths between Hispanic/Latino patients and other patients, and an encouraging finding that suggests PediPlace providers are effective bilingual communicators. Furthermore, anecdotal evidence indicated that the art kits were positively received. The interventions appeared to improve the patient experience but did not impact appointment length. PediPlace plans to continue QI initiatives in the future.

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