
A 3-D mesoscale numerical model of cloud formation, fog, and aerosol transport in an orographically inhomogeneous atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) has been considered. Streamlining of the flow around isolated obstacles in steady-state stratified flow has been studied. An account of radiation transfer in the ABL has made it possible to analyze the combined effect of orography and radiation on the formation of fog and cloud, to analyze the interaction between radiation and cloudiness, as well as their effect on the change of mesoscale circulation in the atmosphere and on variations in the optical characteristics of the atmosphere. The transport of aerosols from various sources has been modelled. The impact of orography, cloudiness and atmospheric stratification, governed by the radiative regime of the ABL, on the propagation of admixtures and surface deposition has been studied. The atmospheric aerosol turbidity in zones of intensive industrial pollution has been assessed.

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