
In 1994, 1995, and 1996, a commercial heifer development operation purchased a total of 1542 potential replacement heifers. Heifers were purchased in the fall preceding The demand for genetically superior the spring breeding season and fed a silagereplacement heifers, artificially inseminated based diet during the developmental period. (AI) and synchronized to calve early in the Before the breeding season began, heifers calving season, has increased the popularity that failed to meet minimum requirements for and size of commercial heifer development pelvic area, average daily gain, body weight, operations in recent years. Heifers purchased disposition, or structural soundness were from these operations represent the future culled. During the first year, 42% of 483 genetics and profit potential in many cow-calf heifers were culled, 17% of 468 heifers were operations. Therefore, our purposes were to: culled in the second year, and 14% of 591 1) evaluate the economic performance of all heifers in the third year. Estrus was synchropregnant and nonpregnant heifers sold by a nized and heifers were inseminated artificially commercial heifer developer during a 3-year (AI) for 30 days followed by 30 days of period and 2) determine any differences in natural mating by cleanup bulls. First-service profitability associated with genetic make-up. AI conception rates averaged 68% and overall pregnancy rates (AI + natural mating) averaged 95.1% over the 3-year period. Heifers culled prior to the breeding season A commercial heifer development facility realized a net profit of $9 per head, whereas in north-central Kansas purchased 483 heifheifers diagnosed nonpregnant after the ers in the fall of 1994, 468 in 1995, and 591 breeding season lost $86, and heifers that in 1996. Heifers were of either Angus aborted lost $133. Profits for pregnant heif(black) or Angus × Hereford (black-whiteers sold were $163 for first-service AI, $138 face; BWF). Each group was treated in a for second-service AI, and $83 for bull bred. similar manner during the 3 years. Heifers were fed a similar silage-based diet to gain an (

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