
To evaluate the skeletal and dental characteristics in skeletal class III patients with facial asymmetry and to analyse the relationships among various parts of the stomatognathic system to provide a theoretical basis for clinical practice. Asymmetric cone-beam computed tomography data acquired from 56 patients were evaluated using Mimics 10.0 and 3-Matic software. Skeletal and dental measurements were performed to assess the three-dimensional differences between two sides. Pearson correlation analysis was used to determine the correlations among measurements. Linear measurements, such as ramal height, mandible body length, ramal height above the sigmoid notch (RHASN), maxillary height, condylar height, buccal and total cancellous bone thickness, and measurements of condylar size, were significantly larger on the nondeviated side than on the deviated side (P < 0.05). Crown root ratio and buccolingual angle of mandibular first molar were found to be significantly smaller on the nondeviated side than on the deviated side (P < 0.05). A negative correlation was also discovered between the buccolingual angle of mandibular first molar and the ramal height (P < 0.01). In patients with facial asymmetry, asymmetries in the mandible, maxilla and condylar morphology, and skeletal canting served as major components of skeletal asymmetry. Furthermore, a reduced thickness of buccal cancellous bone and a larger crown root ratio were found on the deviated side, indicating that orthodontic camouflage has limitations and potential risks. A combination of orthodontics and orthognathic surgery may be the advisable choice in patients with a menton deviation greater than 4 mm. An important association between vertical skeletal disharmony and dental compensation was also observed.

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