
A high-sensititity magnetometer intended for studying the magnetic properties of materials in pulsed magnetic fields of up to 43 T is described. A distinctive feature of the magnetometer is its method for compensating pickups generated in the magnetometer sensing element by a pulsed field. The commonly used uniaxial high-order compensation is replaced by a triaxial compensation of the lowest (quadrupole) order, combined with a transverse arrangement of the main probe coils. This method has allowed us to achieve a compensation level of the signal in the working coil (with an inner diameter of 1.4 or 1.75 mm) of the magnetometer without a sample of up to 10−6 for the longitudinal and 10−4 for the transverse field components. The magnetic moment sensitivity of the magnetometer is 10−4 mA·m2 in fields below 10 T and 10−3 mA·m2 at a field pulse amplitude of 35 T. A deviation of the compensation is below 2×10−4 for a temperature increase from 77 to 300 K and below 5×10−5 after sample replacement. The sample temperature is controlled by a fast-acting temperature control system in a range of 6–300 K to an accuracy of 0.3–0.05 K.

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