
This study focuses on the cutting-edge field of epidemic modeling, providing a comprehensive investigation of a third-order two-stage numerical approach combined with neural network simulations for the SEIR (Susceptible-Exposed-Infectious-Removed) epidemic model. An explicit numerical scheme is proposed in this work for dealing with both linear and nonlinear boundary value problems. The scheme is built on two grid points, or two time levels, and is third-order. The main advantage of the scheme is its order of accuracy in two stages. Third-order precision is not only not provided by most existing explicit numerical approaches in two phases, but it also necessitates the computation of an additional derivative of the dependent variable. The proposed scheme's consistency and stability are also examined and presented. Nonlinear SEIR (susceptible-exposed-infected-recovered) models are used to implement the scheme. The scheme is compared with the non-standard finite difference and forward Euler methods that are already in use. The graph shows that the plan is more accurate than non-standard finite difference and forward Euler methods that are already in use. The solution obtained is then looked at through the lens of the neural network. The neural network is trained using an optimization approach known as the Levenberg-Marquardt backpropagation (LMB) algorithm. The mean square error across the total number of iterations, error histograms, and regression plots are the various graphs that can be created from this process. This work conducts thorough evaluations to not only identify the strengths and weaknesses of the suggested approach but also to examine its implications for public health intervention. The results of this study make a valuable contribution to the continuously developing field of epidemic modeling. They emphasize the importance of employing modern numerical techniques and machine learning algorithms to enhance our capacity to predict and effectively control infectious diseases. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2024-08-01-023 Full Text: PDF

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