
The article analyzes the biography, the stages B. Trentovsky’s formation as a scientist under the influence of the academic courses of Victor Cousin, Francois Pierre Guillaume Guizot, Abel-Francois Villemain and others, listened to during his studies at Warsaw, Berlin, Heidelberg and Paris universities. From the general list of scientific works, those dedicated to pedagogical issues were singled out, which made it possible to highlight the foundations of the pedagogical views of the outstanding Polish philosopher of the XIX century. The specifics of the historical processes that took place in the history of Poland in the first half of the 19th century have been clarified as well as the circumstances that shaped the peculiarities of the philosophical and pedagogical preferences of the Polish thinker-pedagogue. Attention is focused on the formation of the Polish variant of messianism as an attempt of Polish intellectuals to return the lost greatness of the Polish people, and the affiliation of B. Trentowski to this philosophical trend is emphasized. His interpretation of the principles of personality education, features of studentsʼ assimilation of knowledge, abilities and skills is highlighted. Emphasis is placed on the authorʼs vision of the general principles of team building, the peculiarities of human behavior in the collective, the necessary prerequisites for its harmonious functioning, the expediency of taking into account the existing objective and subjective contradictions of the personal value priorities of individuals. The role of the leader in the team management, the need for him to make unpopular managerial decisions, the mandatory executive discipline of subordinates, the system of incentives and punishments for personnel are emphasized. At the same time, possible risks associated with power abuse are formulated. The philosopherʼs personal contribution to the formation of cybernetics and the importance of his scientific heritage for the further development of philosophy and pedagogy of the 19th and 20th centuries are highlighted.
 Keywords: philosophy; freedom; romanticism; messianism; pedagogy; didactics; cybernetics; personality; сollective; manager; management.

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