
To thememory of Robert Coleman *Correspondence: deshalit@math.huji.ac.il 1Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel Full list of author information is available at the end of the article


  • 1.1 The unitary group and its symmetric spaceLet K be an imaginary quadratic field, contained in C

  • When we introduce the Shimura variety later on, we shall relax this last assumption, but the resulting scheme will be disconnected

  • Γ : VR → VR intertwines the complex structures xg and xγ g, and carries Lg to Lγ g, so induces an isomorphism of the abelian varieties, which clearly commutes with the PEL structures

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Let K be an imaginary quadratic field, contained in C. We denote by Σ : K → C the inclusion and by Σ : K → C its complex conjugate. √ dK—the square-free integer such that K = Q( dK). ΔK = DK—the square root with positive imaginary part, a generator of the different of K, somet√imes denoted δ. We fix an integer N ≥ 3 (the “tame level”) and let R0 = OK[1/(2dKN )]. M(Σ )) is the part of M on which OK acts via Σ The same notation will be used for sheaves of modules on R-schemes, endowed with an OK action.

The unitary group
The hermitian symmetric domain
The cusps of X
Picard modular surfaces and the Baily–Borel compactification
The complex uniformization
Smooth compactifications
The basic automorphic vector bundles
The factors of automorphy corresponding to L and P
The Kodaira–Spencer isomorphism
The vector bundles P and L over C
1.10.1 The infinitesimal retraction
1.10.2 Arithmetic Fourier–Jacobi expansions
1.10.3 Fourier–Jacobi expansions over C
1.11 The Gauss–Manin connection in a neighborhood of a cusp
1.11.2 A computation of KS in the complex model
1.11.3 Transferring the results to the algebraic category
1.12.1 Rationality of local sections of P and L
1.12.2 Rationality of local parameters at the cusps
1.12.3 Normalizing the isomorphism det P L
The three strata
Frobenius and Verschiebung
The Hasse invariant
A trivialization of L over the Igusa surface
Compactification of the Igusa surface along the supersingular locus
Irreducibility of Ig
Modular forms mod p as functions on Ig
Fourier–Jacobi expansions modulo p
The theta operator
The main theorem
A study of the theta operator along the supersingular locus
The Dieudonné module at a gss point
Further results on Θ
The theta operator for elliptic modular forms
An embedding of a modular curve in S
The Igusa scheme of level pn
Igusa level structure of level pn
The space of p-adic weights
The theta operator for p-adic modular forms
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