
A quantitative analysis of a mass transfer problem of chemicals in porous media is presented. The specific problem considered is that where the inflow boundary has an initial zero concentration, receives an inflow of chemical concentration U0 for a period of finite duration T1, after which the inflow continues with water of zero chemical concentration. Free and sorbed phase chemical concentration distribution equations are first obtained for dispersion during the time period 0 < t < T1, during which the chemical enters the soil. The solutions are presented in the form of single convolution integral expressions obtained by Laplace transform techniques. This resulting distribution becomes the initial concentration distribution for the subsequent leaching process during the time period T1 < t < T2. Equations are developed which describe the free and sorbed phase chemical distributions resulting from the leaching process. Solutions to both sets of equations are obtained by numerical quadrature techniques. A typical example is displayed. The scheme that is presented is easily adaptable to a repeating or “pulsed” system. Periodic application of a fertilizer, followed by irrigation, is an example of such a system.

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