
Previous articleNext article No AccessA Theory of Global Capitalism: Production, Class, and State in a Transnational World A Theory of Global Capitalism: Production, Class, and State in a Transnational World. By William I. Robinson. (John Hopkins University Press, 2004.)John W. CioffiJohn W. CioffiUniversity of California, Riverside Search for more articles by this author University of California, RiversidePDFPDF PLUSFull Text Add to favoritesDownload CitationTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints Share onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail SectionsMoreDetailsFiguresReferencesCited by The Journal of Politics Volume 69, Number 3August 2007 Sponsored by the Southern Political Science Association Article DOIhttps://doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-2508.2007.00585.x Views: 154Total views on this site Citations: 9Citations are reported from Crossref Copyright © 2007, Southern Political Science AssociationPDF download Crossref reports the following articles citing this article:Zhou Chang-sheng, Wang Shao-yu Econometric analysis on factors influencing agricultural production output, (Jul 2013): 342–349.https://doi.org/10.1109/ICMSE.2013.6586304Arpad Torok, Istvan Futyu Investigating the effects of transport safety- and infrastructure- development with the use of SCGE models in the material flows, (Sep 2012): 199–203.https://doi.org/10.1109/SISY.2012.6339514Tanguy Janssen, Yann Rebours Hardware and software paths toward further integration of European power systems, (May 2012): 1–8.https://doi.org/10.1109/EEM.2012.6254725Georgina Murray The New Fractionation of the Ruling Class, Critical Sociology 38, no.33 (May 2012): 381–387.https://doi.org/10.1177/0896920511434267Guangqing Yang, Hong Zheng The Research on Relationship of Local Fiscal Expenditure for S&T and Economic Growth - Based on Cointegration and VAR Model Analysis, (Aug 2011): 1–4.https://doi.org/10.1109/ICMSS.2011.5998534Jaideep Ghosh Concurrent, Overlapping Development and the Dynamic System Analysis of a Software Project, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 57, no.22 (May 2010): 270–287.https://doi.org/10.1109/TEM.2009.2023138Yan Chen, Lili Qu The Impact of ICT on the Information Economy, (Oct 2008): 1–4.https://doi.org/10.1109/WiCom.2008.2874Zhang Yingnan A Model of Input and Output of Science and Technology, (Sep 2008): 301–304.https://doi.org/10.1109/EMS.2008.76Warren K. Vaneman, Konstantinos Triantis Evaluating the Productive Efficiency of Dynamical Systems, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 54, no.33 (Aug 2007): 600–612.https://doi.org/10.1109/TEM.2007.900798

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